Tuesday, 26 March 2080

Music Score for a Lullaby

The painting, Music Score for a Lullaby by Chelete Monereo, describes how a mother dreams of freedom for her daughter. She has composed a lullaby for her baby where she has planted seeds for the future. These seeds create a melody where love and an air of the ancestors characterise the rhythm against a world without limits and conditions.
Our memory is not simply a question of remembering “facts”. The memory of our lived experiences and relationships with our relatives runs through our veins. While the origins of our experiences are found in the interaction between the human being and the environment, this experience, however, only becomes apparent and is perceived when its value has been built upon another. That is, the conscious commitment between the new and the old is, the imagination.
And, the imagination is ours. It is capable of identifying threads that enable us to interweave fragments found in the field of the arts, culture and science, in order to make the life of the Alzheimers patients more joyful.

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